
Black Thumb

Bill says that I have a black thumb.  This makes me so sad.  I really REALLY want to have plants in my home, but they just fall over dead at the sight of me.  The leaves turn to wilted spinach and the flowers dry up to crunchy bunches for Kade to pick at.  Bill used to have quite a few beautiful plants when we met, that he was fully capable of caring for as a bachelor.  In a matter of months of taking over the care for his apartment and flora, all the plants met their demise.  I received several beautiful plants when River was born and they are all gone.  My birthday plant was Bill's way of saying "you can do it" but it is on it's last leg already.  And, poor guy, my dad didn't know better than to waste his money buying me an Easter Lily.  Last year he was unaware of my terminal effect on plants and purchased me the most beautiful orchid after my comments of how much I loved orchids.  

The picture above is of the plant in front of my neighbor's home.  He leaves his front window open and I gaze at the greenery with envy.  He also has a garden and I often peer through the fence, wishing I could  have such luck with plants.  

It's funny that I can't take care of a plant, but have two healthy children.  I always think about the Sandra Bullock movie 28 Days and the guy at the end...when he leaves rehab they tell him to first try to care for a plant, then a dog, then a relationship... 
I would never have had kids if I started that way!  

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