River Isaiah
(God is Salvation)
9lbs 7oz 21in
River is a week old today! This past week has been surreal, trying, beautiful, restful, and exhausting all at the same time.
Last Friday I went in for my induction. Hopeful, but realistic. I honestly expected River to be born on Saturday, based on my experience with Kade. I was really hoping that all I would need was to have my water broken, but they had to start pitocin early afternoon. My midwife agreed to keep it on the lowest dose possible to see if my body would take over. It did! Things progressed pretty quickly. Bill held my hand and was so patient. We were alone for most of it. The nurse kept commenting on what a great team he and I were. Our midwife's role was minimal compared to our first labor. It was so beautiful how comfortable and in control we felt. I was really disappointed with my first birth experience (had hoped for a water birth). Water births and home births are illegal in PA, so I was at least aiming for a natural birth. Well, I got stuck at 8 cm and started losing control of my pain management. I started asking for an epidural and the midwife reluctantly agreed. Well, as soon as I got it and laid down on my side for it to kick in, I felt River crowning!! Although it negates by natural birth experience, I was so glad to have had it...the epidural had taken effect by the time I had to deliver the placenta. I was hemorrhaging (I have very low iron) and the midwife had to manually take out my placenta. I was able tot stay calm and hold River. I was even able to nurse right away.
He was very bruised from coming out so fast, but beautiful and healthy!!
We stayed in the hospital Saturday and came home Sunday. Except for a few tense moments, it has been a very peaceful week, full of joy and blessings. My family has visited, but no one else so far. It's been nice to keep things so low key. Next week, Bill's mom will arrive for her week stay. I'm excited to have some help when Bill returns to work on Monday. Kade loves his baby "brodder", but likes to poke him in the head when he is feeling jealous.
I was stressed about finding a pediatrician last minute, and we were blessed to have a surprisingly pleasant experience with a doctor we found on an online MD rating site. So far, we like his minimally invasive style and he had been respectful of our beliefs. River is doing great. His weight dipped a little more than desired (8lbs 2oz), so we have to go back in tomorrow for a weight check...no big concerns though.
We are going to try to do his newborn photos today. Hopefully he will cooperate; then we can send out his announcements.
Bill is an amazing dad. My mom slept over our house Wednesday night and she kept commenting on how impressed with him she was. He takes such good care of us!! All while trying to finish his thesis. Just before I had River, Bill had said a few things that were just too sweet:
- He was sad that he couldn't go to my post-date ultrasound because he really was excited to see the baby. I told him that in a couple days he could see the real version.
-He said that every morning when he got dressed he thought to himself that these could be the clothes I'm wearing when River is born.
- He asked me in the middle of the night if he could go get Kade and bring him to bed with us because he missed him.
I think it is really helping Kade adjust to have so much Dada time. They play while I nurse and all I hear is Kade's sweet laugh!
So, Happy One Week Birthday River!! I'll share more soon.
Thank you all for your thoughts, congrats, and well wishes.